Chapter Eighty Three— Indecisiveness and Insecurities


My dad's advice was that I needed to seduce Brian if I didn't want him to consider me as a secondary option and even though I attacked him and cursed him out for giving me such an advice, I didn't stop thinking about it all day and eventually, that led me to make a very hasty decision that I was worried I would end up regretting.

Last night was a peaceful Friday night and Brian and I were home but doing our things separately as usual. I was busy reading a book in my bedroom, distracted by all the thoughts in my head and within seconds, something in me snapped and I just stood from my bed and went straight to Brian's bedroom like a raging psychopath.

When I arrived in front of his bedroom, I knocked calmly and when I heard him invite me in, I went into his room. He was obviously surprised to see me and then he asked what I wanted to talk about.