Chapter Eighty Six — Screwed


"What? Did you just ask me if I liked you? What kind of a question is that? When exactly did I insinuate such a thing?" I asked, not bothering to hide the fact that I was completely confused and unimpressed.

I would have understood if he asked me if I was attracted to him sexually but thinking that I liked him just because of the things I said, was an extremely extreme thought on his part. It was at that moment that I realized that I needed to shut up about this whole 'mistake' conversation before it blew out of proportion and made me look like a complete idiot.

"It was only a question, Emerald. I just wanted to know if this involves something else or not. And if it doesn't, all you need to do is tell me straightforwardly so I'll not misunderstand," he responded and I rolled my eyes at him.