Chapter Eighty Eight — Snoring like a horse


As soon as we walked into the hotel room, I let out a gasp of surprise.

Of course, I wasn't expecting anything mediocre since it's Brian we're talking about and he is literally luxury himself but I had thought that it was just going to be a large room with one bed and maybe a few sofas here and there but it wasn't that at all. Instead, I'm met with a penthouse that made me feel like I had just walked straight into a castle for royalties.

The interior had a lot of white and gold, which normally, wasn't my taste but the colors blended so well that I couldn't even bitch about it.

"I'm going to take it that you're pleasantly surprised by the room judging by the look on your face," Brian spoke up, unknowingly reminding me of his presence because I had become so engrossed in staring that I actually forgot he was there.

"Well, you didn't tell me we were coming to one of your penthouses and I thought it was just going to be some regular, fancy hotel room," I replied.