Chapter Eighty Nine — Miami Fling

Third Person Pov

Their dinner had arrived and Emerald couldn't be more excited to finally have something else to do besides bickering with Brian and at the same time, stealing glances at him. She couldn't help but admire how handsome he looked dressed in a plain white shirt and comfortable shorts that showed off his broad back and his surprisingly manly ties.

He had caught her staring shamelessly but she had denied it immediately, even going as far as calling him crazy, delusional, and attention-hungry in a bid to defend herself.

"This looks good," Brian commented, taking a seat first with Emerald following suit.

"I was skeptical about telling you to surprise me with your choice for dinner but I'm impressed, Brian. I thought you'd order everything you liked instead," Emerald said, recalling the many times the servants back at home had to remake breakfast or dinner because of Brian's picky nature.