Chapter Ninety Two — Diamond for a Diamond

Third Person Pov**

"Take this, it's yours," Brian said, handing Emerald a small bag.

"What's this?" Emerald asked, still trying to take in the fact that Brian had put so much effort into their date.

She was secretly hoping for something grand but she didn't think she was going to get it and she had prepared herself to make do with whatever it was that Brian prepared.

Her expectations ended with them having a simple lunch and maybe looking around but as soon as Liam took her hand earlier and pulled her into the room he prepared for their date, she hadn't stopped smiling and giggling with excitement.

"Open it and see for yourself," Brian responded, anxiously waiting for the look she would have on her face when she saw what he had gotten for her. At first, he didn't want to do too much so that she didn't misunderstand or feel too overwhelmed by him but he ended up changing his mind when he realized that there was nothing like doing too much.