Chapter Ninety Four — Do you still love her?

Third Person Pov

"So you haven't been in a relationship in years? No sex either?" Brian asked, unable to hide his shock.

When she said it earlier, she had thought she was trying to mess around with him but when he noticed that she had a serious look on her face, that was when it dawned on him that she wasn't joking.

"Well, call me boring or whatever but I've never been the type to believe in casual sex. Personally, I have no problem with it and I don't judge anyone who likes to have casual sex but I've always been quite emotional so I didn't think it was for me," Emerald explained, not exactly surprised that he had such a shocked expression on his face.

Even Mia and some of her other friends still couldn't believe that she had stayed celibate in all these years just because she was afraid of getting into casual relationships and then investing her emotions into them.