Chapter Ninety Six — Can we be friends?


It was almost 8 pm and Brian and I were still talking endlessly, almost to the point of forgetting that we had a hotel to get back to.

Personally, I wasn't very interested in getting back to the hotel because I was enjoying the conversation that we were having and I was also enjoying the fact that we could tease each other and make sexual jokes without feeling awkward or offended.

"Just because I said I haven't had sex in a long time doesn't necessarily mean that I don't know how to, Brian," I hissed, countering his sudden claim that I probably don't remember how to have sex.

Our conversation had started casually but the more he and I started to have deeper conversations, the more relaxed I was starting to get and I was also starting to get used to the fact that Brian loved being a tease and he doesn't ever miss the chance to throw in sexual jokes like it was nothing.