Chapter 100 — It's a Promise

Third Person Pov

Emerald sits on the edge of the bed in her hospital gown, feeling relieved that she can finally leave the hospital after two awfully long days. She looked up at Brian, who was standing by the door, his arms crossed over his chest.

"You ready to go?" he asked, his tone serious a little more serious than intended.

Emerald nodded, feeling a little apprehensive. She knew that Brian was worried about her and she had noticed that in the last two days, he had been very overprotective and very particular about everything she did which was very unlike him.

Of course, she appreciated the fact that she was taking care of her so much and trying to make it up to her so she couldn't complain about anything.

"Thank you so much for being here with me even when you didn't have to, Brian," she said softly, genuinely grateful to him.