Chapter 106 - Insecurity

Third Person Pov

Emerald slowly opened her eyes as the ray of sunlight hit her directly on her face. Her entire body was sore but regardless, she couldn't help the smile on her face.

The previous night had been a night of passion and pleasure for her and it was a night that she would never forget.

Stretching her arms above her head, she turned to look at the space beside her, hoping to get a look at the man she had spent the night with and it wasn't until she did that she realized that the space next to her was empty.

Panic set in as she sat up and scanned the room for any trace of Brian. She looked towards the bathroom and called out his name but he was nowhere to be seen which could only mean that he had left while she slept.

A strong feeling of dejection and rejection hit her hard, and she couldn't help but think that she was really just a one-time thing to him as he couldn't even be respectful enough to be there when she woke up.