Chapter 3

Faustine and I had an Agreement .

Faustine: let's have an agreement ...

Dark: on what?

Faustine: I'll make your dad allow you to stay here in this town and can't be send back to UK and It will make you not be separated again from Light in exchange you'll do everything I say ...

Dark: what if I won't follow your orders?

Faustine: I'll tell your Dad that you've been seeing Light even though you didn't and you're causing trouble to me and on the school ...

Dark: no thanks ...

Faustine: Come on Dark you can't have any opportunities like this , it's just like choosing between Love or Dignity or pride just say yes and I will do the rest ...

I knew that I'm stuck in locked chamber and it's like dealing with a devil but I got no choice , everything he says I always follow like pretending to be the bad guy or saying scripted mean things to people and he will come out as a hero I realized Even though I get out from a locked chamber I'm still lost in a maze of lies ...

~end of flashback~

I went back to the classroom while Faustine is taking care of Light and then the school guidance counselor called me and I went there and Light and Faustine were sitting there already .

Counselor : so what actually happened?

Dark: I'm sorry ... I went to confront Light about past issues and Faustine went in and after he saw me kissing his boyfriend he got mad and punch me and I punch him back without realizing that I'm at fault I'm sorry it's my fault I'll accept any punishment you're to give me and I know father is listening he could send me back to UK , I've been watching Light from far away and broke my father's will and I'm also ending my agreement with Faustine , please don't use anyone else to get what you want Faustine it's enough that you used me to get Light away from me , I'm now leaving ...

After all what I said I sensed that all the people who's inside the office where in shock after all the revelation I said .

Counselor: I... Just wanna ask why but...

Mr.Thrius: Counselor I think you've heard it all tell the school file office to make a transferee report for my son , thank you ...

After hearing that I went to the school stairs and went to the rooftop and I cried , it's the first time that I become brave enough to tell Everything and I'm tired of being a puppet of someone my phone ring but I didn't answer it then I heard someone open the rooftop Door I looked back it was Chris and Metal they rushed to me and I hugged them and I cried so much .

Chris: let it out bro ... Let it out ...

Metal: bro it's fine ... Everything will be alright don't worry ...

Dark: everything I've dreamt before , * sob* like going to highschool with Alli but everything disappeared my dreams with him fly out to the air ...

Metal: everything has a time for everything bro one day Faustine will pay everything ...

Dark: what ever happens to him it's upon faith ,

The door opened again and this time it was my guard

Guard: Young Master your father wants you to go home already , everything is ready you'll be in UK next week and you must not escape you'll have a farewell party this Sunday you can invite your friends and peers anyone including him , I should be off now young Master have a nice day ...

Haaah this kind of treatment really spoiled me but thank goodness father really know what I want .

Metal: now cheer up bro your father will have a farewell party for you ... Which on this Sunday will be party party!!!

Chris: yeah let's enjoy this because we don't know when will it happen again...

Dark: bro you sounded like it's my last day in the world

Chris: Just kidding man ...

Lights POV

After all the revelation of Dark I just looked at Faustine and he's really mad and it's my first time to his face like that then he called someone and went out without telling me something the councillor just rub her Temple .

Councillor: you may go now this is really shocking for me ...

Light: ok miss

I went outside and could not find Faustine and I saw Dark's guard went down from the rooftop I suppose he's there .

Guard: excuse me are you Rodriguez?

Light: yes I am why?

Guard : you're invited on Young Master Dark's farewell party this Sunday you're expected to be there by His father .

Light: ahh ok ... Thanks...

I'm still confused about what just happened maybe it's just all a dream . * Bang* ouch that hurts oh it's a ball from a basketball player .

BP: Sorry I didn't mean it , it slipped my hand sorry ...

Light: it's ok...

They went to the Gym he really did doing some dribbling and warm up I was in daze so I didn't notice ... And yeah it's not a dream ... If Dark is really Derick then I owe him alot ... Who would have thought that now he's tanned now ... But he's still handsome... But it's already to late to pay my debt on him and how I even start if I already have Faustine... Haaah it's really tiring .

To be continued ...