The king died on a cold winter night.

He had already been sick for years, so no one was terribly surprised when he passed quietly in his sleep.

Leon was to be crowned the new king and Louise, his queen.

Something went wrong at the coronation, however. There was a small commotion with a girl who claimed she was having an affair with Leon and was pregnant with his child.

It wasn't as if this kind of thing didn't happen once in a while, but rarely did a mistress ever cause such a scene in public. Louise tried to get the knights to escort the woman out of the premises, but Leon told them not to hurt her. It seemed the fact that she was pregnant was something of an interest of his.

Louise looked as if he had dealt a physical blow to her. It was a source of insecurity for her, the fact that she hadn't gotten pregnant yet. Everyone had told her it was okay, since they had only been married for a few months, and there was still time. But seeing as someone Leon was having an affair with was already pregnant with his child, she felt a sense of urgency.

Afterwards, the coronation went off without a hitch, but there were still worries lingering in the back of Louise's mind.

A year later, after Leon had married the mistress as his second wife and she had given birth to his first child, a son, Louise was still unable to get pregnant.

That was, of course, due to Yvette's meddling, though no one but Louise's maid knew.

All of that piled onto Louise, causing her to finally lose her grip when Leon threw a celebration for the first birthday of his son. Louise sat beside him the whole night, smiling politely and not saying a word, but just before the celebration was going to come to an end, she pulled out a knife suddenly and plunged it into Leon's chest.

By the time the knights were spurred into action, it was already too late. Leon's life was fading away, and Louise had slit her own throat afterwards. That night both the king and the queen died.

It was such a terrible, awful scene, but what made it even worse was that later in the night even Leon's child and mistress were killed. It was assumed that they had been killed on orders Louise made before her suicide.

No one was sure what drove Louise to take such drastic action, no one except for Yvette anyway. She'd spent months whispering into Louise's ears, nurturing that thought of 'if I can't have him no one can' within her until she finally snapped.

And finally, with nowhere else for the crown to go, it was then passed onto Simon.

Simon and Yvette were now the king and queen of Royaume, and Yvette took extra pleasure in seeing the looks on her sisters' faces when they attended their coronation.

Yvette wasn't quite done with the sisters just yet.

Even though Genevieve had given birth to a set of twins for Bastien, she had long since realised that his heart was never really with her, and that he only seemed genuinely happy whenever Yvette decided to visit.

It also just so happened that whenever Yvette did so, she visited without her husband.

Genevieve was eventually able to put the clues together, and cursed Yvette in her heart, but was too scared to do anything to her now that she was the queen.

Living out the rest of her days unsatisfied and in resentment was an appropriate punishment, Yvette thought. But she didn't think she would be fully satisfied until all of the Decauxs except for her were dead and buried.

So she staged a carriage accident.

When Genevieve left to visit Sabine one day, her carriage accidentally overturned over a rocky path and she plunged to her death, leaving behind her husband and two children.

Yvette went to Bastien and cried into his chest, mourning a sister she didn't actually care for, while cheering on the inside.

Even after the birth of his children, Bastien hadn't fully given up on Yvette, but he knew it would be inappropriate to start an affair with her since she was the queen, and given the fact that he was once married to her sister. So instead he simply cherished the moments she visited, and looked forward to even just being able to speak with her.

Sabine was now the only one left.

Yvette knew she didn't have to make any immediate moves, though.

A year later, while Yvette was suffering through her first pregnancy, news came out that Marquess Tomas was gay. There was an appropriate amount of surprise and shock, before the gossip eventually turned to Sabine.

Although she had already figured out that he was gay, with the news coming out she was so embarrassed she didn't leave the house anymore.

Yvette went to visit during her self imposed exile to put a noose in Sabine's hands.

After recounting to Sabine how she had systematically picked off the Decaux family one by one, she then left.

The next morning she received news that Sabine had hung herself. Everyone had said it was out of shame, but Yvette knew the truth. Sabine knew she was no match for Yvette, and since Yvette had given her the option to take her own life or wait around for Yvette to strike, Sabine had chosen the easier choice.