
Chapter 4

It had been two days since Inferna left the clutches of Mayhem, two days since she fought Gust; and it's been two days that she's been absolutely bored! Inferna flopped around on the couch and groaned. No sex, no one to argue or flirt with, and no one to boss around. Was this the life of a normal person? This shit is trash! She thought.

Chris and Jasmine were at the bar, working. Jasmine had invited her to join, but she had declined. Now, she wished she would have gone. She pulled at her collar around her neck with a sigh. She'd be lying if she said she didn't miss Mayhem. Not the side that would hit or slap her, that side of him could go to hell. She missed the side that would hold her and kiss her. The side she fell in love with.

He never loved me though. Her inner voice was loud and echoed all around her. Tears sprang to her eyes. She was suddenly happy Jasmine and Chris were gone so she could cry in peace. Sure, Mayhem was an asshole, but she'd been with him since she was 16. She was his right hand while he build his empire. She didn't have a choice on if she could give him her virginity, that was taken from her at the foster home. But Mayhem was the first to make love to her, the first one she'd ever felt comfortable enough to be with. She'd never forget how important he made her feel. That was the day she became his and he gave her the choker she always wore around her neck to show who she belonged to. She surrendered to him, mind body and soul…but now.

She turned on her side as she held herself with a soft sob. That day was the best day of her entire life. She missed that part of him. She missed the gentle him. The him before he became a super villain. Before he had a bunch of subs, before the drug ring – when it was just him and her.

"Mayham," She whimpered.


It was past 1 am and Chris and Jasmine were still out. Inferna sighed heavily and stood up. She was bored and angry.

Might as well go cause Mayhem since I can't be with him. She smirked, and went to her duffled bag to get her battle suit. Once she put it on, she pulled her long hair into a pony tail and went to the fire escape. She smirked climbing over the railing and allowed herself to fall off the edge. She closed her eyes, enjoying the air whipping around her before she felt the heat course through her veins. She opened her eyes and blasted of in the air like a comet. She grinned spinning around in the air, feeling free. She was never allowed to just fly free with Mayhem, she always had to ask first; except for the last couple of days. Now she was able to do what she wanted for once. She found a tall building and decided to land on it. She relaxed the heat and hummed, sitting on the edge as she thought of places she could rob.

Jewelry store? She scoffed. Over played.

A Bank? She pressed her lips together. She could use the money, but she also still had Mayhems bank card. What if he canceled it? She frowned. He better not…I wonder if he still mad at me. She wondered then shook her head. She needed to get her mind off him.

"I wonder if Jasmine and Chris have noticed that I'm not there?" She thought out loud. She let out a bitter laugh. Probably not. Nobody cares where I go or if I stay or go…well, except Mayhem. But he wanted me there for the wrong reasons. "But what if I did have someone who did care for me?" She purred and slipped off the building with a laugh and blasted to her destination.


Inferna exploded the shrill sound of the pet store alarm when she activated it with her break in. She walked to the sound of small barks with a smile.

"Hello there," She grinned at the puppies who went to the edge of the gate wagging their stubby tails. "Now which one of you wants a mommy?" She purred walking around slinkily. She looked then gasped at a chunky bulldog. "What about you Tubs?" She picked the wrinkly pup up, holding him out. The puppy simply yawned. She gave him a dry look. "Where is your spunk?" she asked him, then put him down gently with the rest of his siblings. She turned behind her and saw the kittens. She went to them and picked up an all black kitten. "Hello." She said. The kitten meowed and purred at Inferna pets. "Cute. Maybe," She cooed, then put the kitten down.

She held her hands behind her back as she browsed the different animals who needed a home. She rolled her eyes at a hamster who ran away from her hand. She walked into the very back where all the fishes were. She spotted a goldfish with black dots and bulgy eyes. The other goldfish who swam around, seem to ignore the different fish.

"I know how it feels," She mumbled, squatting slightly to the fish who stared at her. She then smirked. "Your name shall be Bo, what do you think?" Bo simply opened its mouth. She squealed in delight standing straight. "Perfect! Let's go Bo!" She went to grab a travel sized fish bowl when a voice that annoyed her entire existence spoke.

"Stealing animals Inferna? Now that's a new low for you," She looked to right to see Gust standing in the front of the store. He had his arms crossed.

"Look Mr. Goodie, I'm not trying to fight you," Just leave me alone. She thought glaring at him. He uncrossed his arms, walking to her as he replied.

"Good, so lets walk out,"

"I will, with my fish Bo," She looked back at Bo who was still staring at her. She smiled at the fish with a hum.

"Why don't you just tell Mayhem to buy it, like every other citizen…when the store is open?" Inferna looked to the side, noticing Gust looking over the puppies.

"I'm not with him anymore,"

"Broke up?"

"Why does it matter?" She closed her eyes with a huff.

"I had higher hopes for you if you left him. I guess I was wrong, old dogs can't learn new tricks." She stared at Bo who started swimming away. She silently said her goodbyes to him. "Either way, you can't take the fish." He finished and she stood straight, turning her head to look at him.

"Oh fuck you," she held her hand up and sent a blast of linear fire to him to avoid the animals. It wasn't the strongest blast she could create, but it was enough to push him out the store. She marched out the door, stepping on glass.

"You think you know me? You don't know the first thing about me!" Inferna felt a wave of anger hit her. "Someone like you wouldn't know what I'm going through," She created a fire ball and blasted it at him. He dodged it as she threw more at him. He did flips, moving out the way. "You don't understand what it's like to be all alone!" Her voice cracked and she growled, gritting her teeth. There was no way in hell she was going to cry in front of him. Gust panted as he stood straight, holding his fist in fighting position.

"You're not alone," He countered. "I'm sure there are people who care about you," Smoke slipped through her teeth as she growled and sent her body ablaze.

"There isn't. Who would care about a fire girl?" Mayhams voice entered her head and she yelled in frustration, sending a wave of fire at Gust. He cursed, shooting straight up to avoid the danger. He turned landed in front of her. She moved to hit him but he blocked her blow.

"People care about you Inferna," He continued. "Haven't you noticed?" Jasmine popped into her head. "Think of how they would respond if they saw you now? You have a chance to change. Don't let that slip away because you're angry." She roughly moved away from him as her flames died down. What if Jasmine didn't like her either? What if it was a game? A ploy to make her good. She glared at the ground and was about to hit Gust, when he grabbed her shoulders. "Stop it." He stared at her. She blinked up at him, as his voice became familiar.

"Who are you?" she asked suddenly, making his grip lax from shock. Police sirens that echoed close to the two made them look in the direction, shocking them out of the intense moment.

"Oh shit," she pushed Gust away, then blasted off quickly. She couldn't get arrested while staying with Chris and Jas. She decided to stay out a little longer to take a walk to think about life before walking back to the apartment. She flew up to the fire escape and slipped into the warm lavender smelling place. She thought she was being sneaky but froze when she heard a: "Where were you?" She grimaced and then turned to see a pissed Jasmine. The younger woman who was wearing a pink playboy bunny outfit glared at Inferna. Inferna could imagine her blowing smoke out of her ears instead of herself.

"Out," She pressed her lips together.

"Inferna! You can't do that! What if you get in trouble or Mayhem gets you? Or what if I or Chris goes to jail? You're a fugitive! What Chris and I are doing is illegal," Jasmine raised her voice as if she was scolding child. Inferna looked to the side, holding her hands behind her back, pinching the skin to not yell back. "Not all of us have powers that can just get us out of dangerous situations. You're living here rent free because Chris and I care about you. We don't want to see you hurt again, so stop putting your self in danger!" Jasmine yelled. Inferna peeked at her to see angry tears rolling down the girls face.

Well now I feel bad. Inferna thought, and watched Jasmine storm off to her room. Feeling guilty, Inferna went to her bag in the corner of the living room, and grabbed some pajamas. She went into the bathroom to take a nice cold shower, but then a thought plagued her mind. Jasmine had to know she got in trouble, judging by how mad she was, but how did she find out?


Walking out wearing a spaghetti strap crop top and black shorts that stopped right above her toned back side, Inferna went to the living room, and paused. Chris was sitting on the reclining chair.

If Jasmine was at level 8 of pissed , what level is Chris on? She wondered as she pressed her lips together, moving silently as if he couldn't see her. He looked up at her, then looked her over. She slowly smirked. Maybe I can get him off my case. She hummed watching his face turn a delicious shade of pink.

"Why are you here?" He suddenly asked, inturpping Infernas thoughts of taking Chris to bed.

"Excuse me?" She voiced.

"Why are you here?" He replied slower. She frowned, flipping her hair. Who did he think he was talking to her like that?

"Are you stupid? You told me-" she was interrupted by him standing up glaring at her.

"No, are you stupid Inferna," She glared back at him. "Why were you causing a ruckus tonight?" He asked. "Why are you here if you're not going to attempt to change?"

"Shut up Chris. I don't have to explain myself to you," She raised her voice at him.

"Yes you do! You're living with me, and most importantly Jasmine. You're not going to bring your bullshit here! If you're just gotta keep doing the same ol shit, then get out!" He shouted at her, tossing her gym bag to her. She caught it and threw it in the kitchen, hitting the table causing it to let out a angry screech.

"Don't yell at me!" She flamed up. She wasn't about to get beat up by this human.

"Then don't raise your voice at me! I'm not scared of you," He took a step closer to her as if to prove it. She stared at him shocked.

"You're an idiot."

"So are you," He replied and grabbed her wrists. He winced at the heat of the flames making her eyes widen and she relaxed her blaze. She stared up at him with shock. "Inferna," He said calmly. "You have to stop, or go somewhere else." He shook her arms gently to add emphases. She looked away from his intense hazel eyes. "Do you want to be here?" He asked.

"Yes," she replied.

"Why? Tell me what's going on in your head," She looked down, shifting on her feet. She felt the emotions she'd been keeping to herself rising to her throat.

"Mayhem," She said softly. "He doesn't love me," a sob escaped her. "I have nowhere else to go. I'm so tired of being hurt everyday," Tears rolled down her cheeks, falling to the wooden floor. "I love him so much and yet all he did was hurt me. It's pathetic," She cried softly. "Then stupid Gust," She looked up at Chris who was staring at her with gentle concerned eyes. "All I wanted was that fish! That fish needed a home, none of the other goldfishes wanted to hang out with him. He understands how I feel. He needed a home, so I was gonna take him to live with me because that fish actually needed me," She knew she probably looked ridiculous blubbering to Chris, but she didn't care. If he wanted to hear how she felt, he was going to listen every last detail. She pulled her arms back and ran her fingers in her hair. "I just," She placed her hands on her hips, sighing heavily. "I just wanted to prove that I don't need Mayhem. I can make it without him." She wiped her eyes calming down. This was stupid. Why did she cave into Chris's prying?

"Inferna, you can prove that you don't need him. Do the right thing," Inferna looked at Chris, sniffling. "I said it before, but you're intelligent, you just chose to make bad decisions. You can be more than just "Inferna, Mayhem's sidekick"," He half smiled. "You're a much higher ranking than that," She rolled her eyes at him, feeling her lips twitch upwards. "You'll be ok," He finished.

"I made Jasmine mad," she replied, clearing her throat.

"She'll get over it. Tomorrow she'll probably pounce on you," He shrugged nonchalantly, then pouted as she punched his arm. "Why?" He whined, grabbing his arm.

"Don't ever tell anyone I cried or I'll kill you," she stood on her toes glaring at him. He laughed softly.

"Noted," He leaned back slightly as he rubbed his arm. She flipped her hair.


"Also, I'm sorry for throwing the bag at you. I had rehearsed my speech, and your bag became a prop," He chuckled softly. "You can hit me again if you want," So she did. He hummed in pain grabbing his other arm. "You don't hold back huh?"

"Not on men," She glared. He hummed, rubbing his arms.

"Well, just know I'd never put my hands on you violently. I'd kill someone if anyone did that to Jas," He moved around her to pick her bag up from the kitchen floor. She hummed and made her way to Jasmine's room. With a soft sigh, she knocked. Unlike with Mayhem, she waited until Jasmine opened the door. Inferna looked to the side, then back at Jasmine.

"Can I come in?" she asked. Jasmine narrowed her eyes slightly, and opened the door. She walked into the citrus smelling room and closed the door as Jasmine sat criss cross on her creamy orange bed. Inferna flipped her hair again. She could feel Jasmine's hazel eyes staring at her as she paced. I've never had to apologize before. How do I start? She wondered.

"So, uh," She started. "I went out and did things….um, I know you're mad and disappointed in me. But this life that you and Chris are offering me is different than the life I know. Like, imagine living a life where you could do whatever you wanted to do, then suddenly you have to follow the constitution," Inferna sighed again, stopping her pacing to look at Jasmine who was watching her with a blank face. " I want to try," Inferna swallowed. Was that not enough? Did she actually have to say it? Inferna closed her eyes with a deep sigh. She knew she had to for jasmine. "I'm…sorry," She grumbled. She grunted as she was tackled in a hug. She opened her eyes to see Jasmine hugging her tightly. I guess it was good enough. She thought. Jasmine smiled kindly up at the slightly taller woman.

"I believe in you, Inferna. I'm always on your team," Jasmine replied. Inferna felt relief hit her and she leaned into Jasmine's warm embrace.

Someone believed in her.