Beauty and the Beast

"Yes, yes! Mother is amazing!"

When she first bought them, Zhuang Zhuang was always wondering if they had laid any eggs. However, after observing for three consecutive days, he was very disappointed.

Hence, he went to Xiaoguo and asked her why they didn't lay eggs like the chickens in Xiaohua and Xiaohu's house. Xiaoguo smiled when she heard this and told Zhuang Zhuang that this was very normal. Chickens wouldn't lay eggs in unfamiliar places. After a couple of days, when they get used to the place, they would start laying eggs.

After hearing Xiaoguo's words that day, Zhuang Zhuang had been watching them closely. In the past two days, he had been kept busy—going to the county and spending time studying. He had forgotten to check on the eggs. Just when he remembered and checked on them today, he saw that they had indeed laid eggs!