Bringing Brother Home

Xiaoguo answered truthfully, trying her best to keep the details of the previous owner's experiences to a minimum. But just like that, Qin Anming's eyes slowly turned red. His face, which was already pale, turned even paler. The blood had completely drained from his face.


Xiaoguo could not bear to see him like this. She looked at the man in front of her, who looked even more fragile because of his sadness.

Xiaoguo's eyes darted around as an idea came to her.

Now that she is saying all this, Qin Anming would definitely not agree to go back with her. It seemed that she had to make it sound even worse. In that case, Qin Anming would feel bad about letting her go back alone.

When Qin Anming turned to look at her, tears began to well up in Xiaoguo's eyes. She looked up and told him about her experiences, such as eating tree bark and eating wild grass.

Looking at Qin Anming's uncomfortable gaze, Xiaoguo delivered the final blow.