Jiang Danhe's Worries


Jiang Danhe let go of the burning letter in his hand. It fell to the ground and turned into ashes. He rubbed the burnt marks on his fingers and looked up at the person who had entered.

"Have all the men set off?"

It was Li Shouji. The two of them had set off from Yonghai County and traveled for three weeks before arriving at the capital.

Li Shouji took a bow and stood up, his face filled with joy.

"The men had set off safely. They were split into five groups and are quietly moving towards the capital from various locations!"

Jiang Danhe nodded and heaved a sigh of relief. Being able to set off safely was equivalent to completing one third of the plan.

The most important thing on this trip was not to attract the attention of the emperor. Although there were people in the royal court who would give him signals, as long as the emperor was still in the throne, there would always be loyal officials protecting him.