Harvesting Crops Part 2

Mrs. Yang felt much more relieved after hearing Xiaoguo's words. She said, "That's right. Treat her like a fart. Just ignore her."

Seeing Zhuang Zhuang walking towards her with the cows, Xiaoguo quickly covered Mrs. Yang's mouth.

"Sister-in-law, Zhuang Zhuang has been learning to speak recently. Don't let him hear these words."

Mrs. Yang quickly nodded to show that she understood. When Xiaoguo let go of her hand, she swallowed the vulgarities down her throat.

The three of them walked home together and parted ways when they reached their respective houses.

Xiaoguo led the donkey cart and walked beside Zhuang Zhuang. Zhuang Zhuang looked up at Xiaoguo, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"Mother, what were you talking about just now?"