Zhuang Zhuang's Odd Behavior Part 2

Right! It started from that day…

Xiaoguo suddenly remembered that Zhuang Zhuang started behaving like this when he returned from the county that day.

"What did they do again on that day?"

Oh, right. Xiaoguo remembered. Was Zhuang Zhuang unhappy that he didn't get to stay with Qin Anming and had to come back early?

That was impossible. Zhuang Zhuang was definitely not like that.

Xiaoguo immediately dismissed the idea. Zhuang Zhuang's love for her was real. Although he liked his uncle very much, she was definitely number one on his list. She was very sure of that.

"Then what could it be?"

Xiaoguo stopped cutting the leeks and stared blankly at the knife in her hand. At this moment, Zhuang Zhuang came over. As soon as he entered, he said to Xiaoguo, "Mother, I'm hungry."