Big Secret

After a long time, Jiang Danhe regained his composure. When his tears finally stopped flowing, he slowly let go of Xiaoguo.

Xiaoguo's legs had become numb, let alone her waist.

She held onto the table and sat down. Jiang Danhe felt a little embarrassed when he saw this.

He wiped the tears off his face. "Wife, why didn't you use the money you received to buy food during the disaster?"

Jiang Danhe knew about the difficulties during that period. According to what he knew, although there was no food in some areas, there were still people selling food in certain county towns and cities. However, the prices were usually doubled. It might not be enough to fill their stomachs, but they could at least survive.

"We didn't have any silver at that time."

"Did no one continue to send silver after my fake death?"