
"Yes, yes… Oh, is that so… Yes, yes…"

Xiaoguo pretended to listen attentively. "Please, can the magistrate see that my legs are trembling? Why is he still going on?"

"You don't know, but I've had a good working relationship with Magistrate Su for many years. He's been keeping watch over me all this while…"

Magistrate Liu's speech was getting more and more far-fetched. He was talking about the chef's culinary skills earlier on, but now he was talking about his relationship with the bureaucrats. Xiaoguo couldn't carry on listening any longer. "What if he gets so excited that he blurts out some secret?"


"The room is ready, my lord."

Xiaoguo had just opened her mouth when Master Xing Ming, who was in the inn, came out to inform Magistrate Liu.

Xiaoguo could not thank him enough for coming at the right time.

"Okay." Magistrate Liu stopped talking and turned to Xiaoguo. "Let's go in."