He’s a Real Man

Xiaoguo watched Yang Jia leave and shook her head. This child was really polite. He wasn't being polite for polite's sake.

"Who was here?"

Just as Yang Jia left, Jiang Danhe came out of the bathroom and saw the door closing.

"Yang Jia, he was here to exchange books."

Xiaoguo didn't even look up. She was too busy with the fruits in her hands.

Jiang Danhe deliberately stood beside Xiaoguo for a while, but she still had no intention of looking up. In the end, he pursed his lips and entered the house.

As he returned to the house to get dressed, he thought to himself, "It seems that seducing her with these abs is not really working out."

That's right. Jiang Danhe did not put on his clothes immediately after washing up. Instead, he only wore his pants. He did think about coming out without his pants at first, but he was afraid of scaring Xiaoguo. So he still put them on shyly, leaving only his upper body bare.