Prelude to Separation

Xiaoguo heard a lot about Li Zhaodi from Mrs. Yang after the incident. To summarize, Li Zhaodi and Chou Louzi had been chased out of Peach Blossom Village by the village chief. They were thrown out of the village without being given a chance to return home. Their household registration had also been erased. The village chief had even announced that if the two of them were to enter the village secretly, they would be reported to the officials.

The villagers were supportive of the chief's decision and said that they would watch out for the two of them. If the couple was ever spotted in the village, they would be beaten up!

Regarding this outcome, Xiaoguo could only say that they had brought this upon themselves.


Li Zhaodi's matter had come to an end, but Xiaoguo still had a question that she had no answer to.

"Are you going to tell me?"

For the fifth time, Xiaoguo pestered Jiang Danhe for an answer, but he deliberately refused to tell her.