Locked on to You

What could she say? Just say, "I cannot remember. Can you describe their faces to me?" Doesn't that make her a pure ingrate?

If the two elders of the Qin family were still alive, they would have given her a tight slap to reward her for her filial piety…

She decided not to say anything as she could ask around later on.

Looking at the strange Xiaoguo, Qin Anming was puzzled. What was she trying to say?

Thinking about it carefully, Qin Anming realized that Xiaoguo had started behaving strangely since the day they visited their parents' graves. Was she missing them?

At the thought of this, his heart softened. He gently wrapped his arms around her shoulders and patted her gently.

Xiaoguo turned her head and smiled at him. Looking into his gentle eyes, her heart was in a mess.