Defective Goods

Xiaoguo chuckled and said, "Sit tight."


Zhuang Zhuang nodded with a smile and held on to the donkey cart obediently.

It had been a long time since he had seen Qin Anming. Zhuang Zhuang looked very excited.

When he saw Qin Anming, he didn't care if he was busy or not and pounced on him immediately. His little mouth kept chattering for a long time and no one could get a word in.

"Zhuang Zhuang…"

"Uncle, do you know? Mother made all the clothes that I'm wearing today…"

"… Zhuang Zhuang…"

"By the way, Fatty and Ben Ben at home got into a fight with the black dog next door…"

"Zhuang Zhuang…"

"Also, Mother is making slippers. One pair for you, one for me, one for my father…"

"Zhuang Zhuang…"

"I'm going to be a disciple."

"Zhuang… Hmm?!"