Fancy Him

She was especially busy today and did not notice anyone entering the shop. It was lucky that she had the help of Zhuang Zhuang.

"I'll reward you with a candy!"

Ruyi took out a piece of sesame candy from the counter and handed it to Zhuang Zhuang as his reward.

Zhuang Zhuang had just taken the candy when Qin Anming ran to his side nervously and grabbed him. "Didn't I tell you not to run about?"


Zhuang Zhuang stuffed the candy into his mouth unhappily.

"Brother An Ming, Zhuang Zhuang helped to serve the customers. He just took two orders."

Seeing this, Ruyi immediately explained on his behalf.

Qin Anming remained very serious. "I said that you shouldn't come out if I didn't give you permission. I wouldn't even know if you got abducted."