
As expected, the heavy rain came in torrents and lasted for a week. The heavy rain that was going on continuously for the past few days had slowly turned into a light drizzle.

Because of the weather, Xiaoguo did not pick up Zhuang Zhuang, who was supposed to return home. She would have to wait until next Sunday to pick him up.

When the weather finally cleared up. Xiaoguo immediately set up the carriage and prepared to visit Zhuang Zhuang at Mr. Kong's house. She didn't pick him up for the past two days, and there was no way to send a message. She wondered how Zhuang Zhuang was doing.

Xiaoguo had just led the donkey cart out when she saw Mrs. Yang in a hurry. The latter spotted Xiaoguo and quickly called out to her, "Are you going to the county?"

"That's right."

"Don't go." Mrs. Yang waved her hand and walked over. "Because of the rain, the river has risen too high, so the roads are all flooded. There's no way to get out at all."