
On the day of the Qingming Festival, when Qin Anming returned, Xiaoguo began to pack her things and loaded them onto the donkey cart.

In addition to joss paper, they were also bringing dumpling filling, kneaded dough, a knife, and a rolling pin. In any case, all the tools for making dumplings were brought along on the trip.

When visiting the ancestors' graves, according to tradition, they had to cook and make dumplings in their hometown. However, no one had lived in the house for so long, so it was necessary for them to bring all the tools required so that they could make dumplings there.

After packing up, the three of them set off together. Along the way, they bumped into many people carrying joss paper.

When they arrived at Qin Manor, they brought the donkey cart back to the courtyard and put Zhuang Zhuang down. It was better for children to stay indoors in this weather.