Eat More

Xiaoguo saw Zhuang Zhuang's odd behavior and she thought for a moment. Then, she quickly walked towards the bed.

As soon as she lifted the bed curtains, she saw what they had done!

Earlier on, she had heard the sound of bottles collapsing. It turned out that the bottles were all on the bed. The bed was clean and tidy, but there was one colorful stain that stood out.

Xiaoguo narrowed her eyes. She had a plan in mind.

Jiang Danhe and Li Shouji entered and were about to clean up when Xiaoguo stopped them.

Faced with their questions, Xiaoguo didn't say anything. She just said that she would cook and told them not to touch anything.

Under their strange gazes, Xiaoguo hummed a tune and walked towards the kitchen.


The two boys hid outside until noon. The cosmetics on their faces had already dried up when Jiang Danhe appeared.

Before the two boys could run, Jiang Danhe picked them up with one boy in each arm and walked back.