Leaving the Island overnight

That day, the news of Yu Zhizhi pestering Jiang Danhe and being knocked out by him spread like wildfire. Even the Prime Minister's wife, who hardly went out, got to hear about it.

After some considerations, she decided to send Yu Zhizhi out of the island that night before she caused more trouble. Along the way, she even drugged her to avoid any unnecessary trouble.

When the drug wore off, it was already dawn. When Yu Zhizhi opened her eyes again, she saw a dilapidated house beam that looked familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. This was not her accommodation on the island.

In her daze, she heard a familiar voice calling out to her.

"Zhizhi? Zhizhi?"

Yu Zhizhi looked in the direction of the voice. An old and wrinkled face appeared in front of her. She looked up at him in confusion.
