Asking For A Favor


"That I chose the sea as my final resting place…"

Xiaoguo shook her head calmly. "It's quite a good idea. Better than being buried in the soil and suffering the pain of being bitten by bugs and rotting in the soil."

"Haha, I was afraid that my thoughts would sound strange."

Zhao Yuyan seemed to have found a confidante. She told Xiaoguo a lot, including why she wanted to be cremated.

In this era where soil burial was the norm, cremation seemed like an irrational idea.

Ever since Zhao Yuyan had this thought, she was worried that her idea would be frowned upon.

She had lived too mundanely in the better half of her life. She was a swallow at heart. Since she could not soar in the blue skies and white clouds, then she would wander in the vast and gentle sea instead.

"Can you bear to leave everything behind?"