
Xiaoguo had always been wary of others.

The other party was a businessman. She could not be swayed by his beauty. If he took her cows away, she would have nowhere to cry.

After Mrs. Yang left, Xiaoguo got started on her grass-cutting work. She led the donkey towards the forest.

The schedule for the day was full. She would cut grass in the morning and go to Qin Manor in the afternoon.

After going to Qin Manor's fields with Qin Anming that day, Xiaoguo had become obsessed with that place—mainly because of the vegetable crops and melon vines that could be found there.

After the fruits were picked, the remaining vegetation would become a paradise for all herbivores.

It was only then that she found out that most of the villagers in Qin Manor were farmers. The fields were planted with crops all year round. If anyone needed any green seedlings, they could just pay a visit to Qin Manor.