Sticking to My Wife

The next morning, Xiaoguo got out of bed. To her surprise, someone had gotten up before her.

When Xiaoguo came out, she was almost blinded by what she saw. The house was spick and span, the floor was clean, the table was neat, and there was smoke coming from the kitchen.

The troughs for the chickens and ducks were filled with food. Even the two puppies had been fed. The cows, donkeys, and horses were eating fresh grass with their heads lowered.

The courtyard was abuzz with energy.

Xiaoguo rubbed her eyes and followed the laughter to the kitchen.

Xiao Zhu and Yu Ling were squatting in front of the stove with their heads lowered, studying something.

"Why are you up so early?"

Xiaoguo's voice startled the two of them.

"Sister Xiaoguo, you're awake?"

Xiao Zhu greeted her with a smile.

Xiaoguo yawned and nodded. "There's no need to wake up so early. You should rest more."