A Gathering For Everyone

Xiaoguo understood her reasons for doing that. In any case, when she made those clothes for them, it didn't mean that the children had to wear them for specific occasions.

Zhuang Zhuang was also wearing the new clothes that Xiaoguo had made for him, but the colors did not align with the little guy's aesthetic preferences.

Xiaoguo didn't know why, but she simply loved the color pink. Zhuang Zhuang really disliked wearing pink clothes, which were usually worn by little girls. But being the sensible boy that he was, he didn't want to upset his mother.

The already cute and fair-skinned child looked even more like a lovable little girl with the clothes accentuating his appearance.

Jiang Danhe and Xiaoguo were dressed very simply—both of them were not fond of wearing bright-colored clothes. As for dressing the children in bright colors, apart from satisfying Xiaoguo's selfish desire to dress them up, the more important thing was to make them more noticeable.