Revealed the Secret?

Shu Botong sized up Xiaoguo from head to toe, before taking a sip from his teacup in satisfaction.

It would be best if she didn't leave him out. Otherwise, even if he had to walk all the way, he would find her and settle scores with her.

"Do you remember?"

Xiaoguo looked at him helplessly. She had repeated herself several times, but he still didn't say anything. It was truly infuriating.

"Yes, I got it. I'll definitely be there."

Shu Botong stopped pretending and finally nodded in agreement.

Although he seemed unaffected and calm on the surface, he was actually feeling extremely anxious.

He would be going to the party tomorrow but he had yet to prepare a gift. It was his first time visiting their house, so he couldn't possibly go empty-handed. Besides, it was Zhuang Zhuang's birthday. What should he bring?