Remember to Miss Me

Jiang Danhe had been clenching his fists from the moment the door banged into him, and they had remained clenched until now.

But he wasn't feeling angry, it was just that the impact had caused quite a bit of pain. The pain in his face was negligible, the most painful part was somewhere else on his body.

Xiaoguo came to his side and held his handsome face in her hands. Her heart was aching for him.

"Does it hurt?"

While asking him, she rubbed the bridge of his nose, which had turned red.

The bridge of his nose was so high and prominent that it had absorbed most of the impact from the door frame. It feels really painful just thinking about it.

"Not so bad."

Fearing that Xiaoguo would worry, Jiang Danhe shook his head and tried to endure the pain.

But Xiaoguo did not believe him at all. His face wouldn't have turned green if it didn't hurt.

"Sit down quickly. Let me take a look."