Capturing Mdm Jiang

Jiang Danhe looked at the recruit in front of him speechlessly. How did this person enter the military camp?!

Although he found it very strange, he still finished his work early and went home while it was still daylight.

As soon as he reached the door, the guard at the door saluted him as per normal.

A sneaky figure in the corner saw Jiang Danhe and immediately went in to inform Li Shouji.

Jiang Danhe nodded, acknowledging the guard's greeting. Then, he stopped in his tracks and took a few steps back.

The guard closest to him swallowed almost imperceptibly.

"Did someone visit the residence today?"

"Yes, General."

Jiang Danhe nodded and continued to ask, "Who is it?"

The guard, who had received instructions from Li Shouji, was trying his best to control the answer that was coming out of his mouth. He had to rack his brains to think of a lie. In that instant, a drop of sweat started trickling down his forehead.