
It was night time. Jiang Danhe had just blown out the candles and was preparing to go to bed.

However, Xiaoguo suddenly felt discomfort in her belly and dampness between her legs. She guessed that her water had broken.

Pretending to be calm, she patted Jiang Danhe, not daring to open her mouth. She was afraid that she would cry out in fear if she tried to say anything.

Jiang Danhe was not sleeping yet. When she patted him, he jumped up reflexively and got out of bed to light a candle.

The moment the candlelight lit up the room, he saw Xiaoguo looking pale and weak on the bed. He was taken aback, and before his brain could react, he had already called the midwife.

The midwife rushed into the house immediately and chased the father and son out. She closed the door and lifted the blanket.

"Go and prepare hot water, towels, hard liquor, and scissors."