Time Flies

Jiang Danhe didn't interrupt Xiaoguo and waited until she finished looking through the drawings before he started speaking. "Ever since you sent me the drawing of Zhuang Zhuang bowing to his teacher, I've been learning to draw. What do you think? Do they look pretty accurate?"

There was a very obvious hint of pride in his tone.

Xiaoguo felt a little awkward when she heard him mention her hand-drawn 'masterpiece'. Compared to Jiang Danhe's drawings, it would be a bit far-fetched to call her drawing a sketch.

The other party looked like he was fishing for praise and it was making her feel quite uncomfortable. Xiaoguo raised her hand to ruffle his hair. "Very impressive. I was wondering why you were behaving so secretively, always hiding in your room. So you were drawing these on the sly. I'm so… happy…"