Brothers Will Watch Over You

The third prince, Gu Ziyao, smiled coldly. "This East Defender General has always been like this. He's very arrogant and despotic just because his ancestors have some merits.

"None of the soldiers he led are capable. Most of them just learned his craftiness. If it wasn't for the fact that there were lives at stake and I couldn't stand watching this as a medical practitioner, I wouldn't have helped him."

Gu Nuo'er sat between her two older brothers. She held onto a hot teacup in her small hands and lowered her head to take a sip.

The hot tea was sweet and the taste of gardenias bloomed along her tongue, flowing down to her lungs.

Wow, it felt so warm.

The child said softly, "Third Brother, don't be angry. He has already suffered the torture he deserves. When we return to the palace later, we'll just tell Father what happened."

Gu Ziyao looked at his sister and couldn't help but ask, "Nuo'er, did you really dream of that prescription?"