Go Underground and Ask For His Father's Opinion

Gu Nuo'er looked up, her black eyes filled with clarity.

"Father, Third Brother brought Baby Nuo to visit the injured soldiers in the East Defender General's camp today.

"More than a month ago, they had chased after bandits and suffered varying degrees of injuries. However, the East Defender General did not care about them. This led to their wounds to bleed severely!

"There were even a few injured people who fell sick and died because of this. Second Brother and Third Brother couldn't stand it anymore and spent money to find prescriptions to treat their conditions.

"However, after the East Defender General came, not only did he reject the good intentions of Third Brother and Second Brother, but he also said that it was common for soldiers to die of old age and illnesses, so there is no need to take it to heart! Father, isn't this disregarding human lives?!"

The more Gu Yihan listened, the more he frowned.