Ahhh! I Forget That Baby Nuo Mustn't Give Blessings Casually Anymore

Gu Nuo'er took the lead and cheered, giving courage to the girls who wanted to cheer for Ye Siming but didn't dare to!

They echoed the princess's voice, each louder than the one before!

In the end, it became Gu Nuo'er's childish voice shouting, "Ye Siming!"

The other young ladies immediately continued, "Victory!"

The scene was like the sound of war drums being beaten in war. It was very rhythmic.

Ye Siming took the time to turn his head and look at the stands.

Gu Nuo'er's small figure was like a small butterfly in spring, carrying endless vitality as she stood there with the red banner raised.

Ye Siming slowed down and smiled at Gu Nuo'er.

Jiang Xiaoran was shocked when he saw this. "Siming, be careful!"

Ye Siming didn't turn around, but turned his head slightly and avoided the ball that had just been kicked over.

The other party knew that Ye Siming was difficult to deal with and wanted to hurt him with the ball.