Remember It Well, I'm Giving You the Confidence To Do So

Because of this, Ye Siming looked up at Cui Yutong, who had annoyed Gu Nuo'er.

Gu Nuo'er rested her chin on her hand and smiled sweetly, her eyes shining.

"You can continue to talk. Regardless of whether you're asking for 100 taels or 200 taels today, I'll pay for her."

Cui Yutong was stunned when she heard this. She turned her head and said in a half-explaining and half-firm tone, "Princess, don't blame me for being rude. It's just that this accountant of yours is too careless. She's showing such an attitude even towards customers. How can your business be good like this?"

Gu Nuo'er sat on Ye Siming's knee and smiled. "Our business is very good. We receive a lot of money every day. Sorry for making you worry~"

After saying that, the child pouted and urged, "Elder Sister Chudie, don't just stand there. Give her 50 taels and send her away. It's worth it to pay the money for some peace."