I Want to Go Home and Find Father

As the host, Prince Xuan spoke first.

"Today, light is brought to our humble abode as it is truly an honor to be able to invite the princess and the Marquis Yongye here at the same time. I will toast to the two of you."

Gu Nuo'er hurriedly picked up the cup with her small hand and turned to look at the maidservant at the side, waiting for the other party to fill her cup with wine.

Unexpectedly, just as Gu Nuo'er raised her cup, Ye Siming raised his finger and pressed it down.

He did not look at Gu Nuo'er. Instead, there was a cold smile on his thin lips.

"The princess can't handle alcohol. She's still young. I'll drink her share to show my sincerity."

With that, Ye Siming raised his head and drank two cups in a row.

Yun Linzhou applauded foolishly. "Marquis Yongye has a good tolerance for alcohol!"