Baby Nuo Is Going to Have A Little Brother Or Sister?

"Father, if Consort Rou really has a baby, Nuo'er has to take good care of her and leave all my things to my younger sibling."

As she spoke, the child stepped on the thick carpet with her soft and fair feet.

She ran to the cabinet and tiptoed to take out her favorite small waist bag.

She brought it to Gu Yihan as if she was presenting a treasure.

Gu Nuo'er pulled the strap of her bag with her small hand. Some of the miscellaneous items inside were reflected in Gu Yihan's eyes.

It was filled with things that weren't very precious. There was a roll of beautiful silver silk threads, the tail of her fabric tiger that had been accidentally torn off, a small paperweight made from jade, and two small candies wrapped in a handkerchief.

Gu Nuo'er raised the bag and showed the items to Gu Yihan. "These are Baby Nuo's treasures. I'll leave them for my younger sibling."