Qiongqi, Stick Your Head Over

Ye Siming replied with an "mmm".

He said calmly, "In any case, I lied to you once just now. We're even."

Gu Nuo'er was stunned. "When was it? Why didn't I notice it?"

Ye Siming coughed lightly. "It's just that… at that time, I didn't tell you that it was me. It could be considered that I hid my identity."

The child reacted.

She covered her mouth with her small hand and smiled sweetly. "This count too?"

She was very smart and knew that this was a unique indulgence from Ye Siming.

Gu Nuo'er hugged Ye Siming's arm and jumped around him.

"Elder Brother Siming, you're the best."

Her dependence dyed Ye Siming's eyes and eyebrows with a faint joy.

The two of them walked to the slope and were about to transmigrate to the starry dead sea again.

Gu Nuo'er suddenly exclaimed.

"Elder Brother Siming, there's a big guy over there. He seems to be looking at us."

Ye Siming looked sideways.