This Is Not A Black Dog, This Is A Wolf

It was already late at night and the moon was hidden behind the dark clouds.

To travel faster, Wei Cang let the guards take a remote but shortcut mountain path.

The mountain path was slender and narrow, and it was also relatively bumpy.

Gu Nuo'er couldn't fall asleep. Her big eyes were also as bright as the Milky Way at night.

The child leaned against the window and felt the speed of the carriage.

She called out softly, "Dudu~"

When Wei Cang heard her call him from the front, he felt extremely helpless.

Along the way, the little princess chatted with them a lot!

When traveling outside, he needed to be highly focused.

However, if he ignored Gu Nuo'er, she would continue to call him like a kitten.

"Dudu!" As expected, the child called out again.

Wei Cang had no choice but to turn his horse around and go to the carriage window. "What instructions does Your Highness have?"