

Runa stepped back as Anna walked forward.

"Are you happy to embarrass me? Feeling great for bullying me?" Anna's voice didn't sound like hers anymore. The voice was heavy, cracked, and hoarse.

Runa glanced left and right, but along the hall, there were only file shelves. There is no way out for her. Her heart jumped as her back hit the wall. Dead end.

"I never bullied you." Runa swallowed hard, trying to calm down while thinking about what she could do to get out of here.

Anna smirked. Black streaks colored the veins on her cheeks, around her eyes and mouth, like a tattoo of dead roots running down her face. "You're a pathetic person," Anna hissed. "You're trying to get everyone to admire you. But did you know they are badmouthing you behind your back?"

"Calm down," said Runa. "Let's talk."