
Callie's POV ....

I heard shuffling in my room and, instantly, I was on high alert. I sat up in the hospital bed and looked around for the possible threat.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Rex's voice hit my ears and I instantly relaxed.

He moved to the windows and opened the blinds. The morning sun streamed into my room, shedding light into the darkness. I didn't remember falling asleep, but then again, that probably had something to do with Rex.

After Jorge left the room, Rex gave me a sedative to help me sleep while he worked on my ribs. When Jorge man-handled me, he cracked my rib. Since my wolf was still weak, she wasn't healing me as quickly as Rex would have liked.

"It's fine," I groaned. "What time is it?"

"It's just after noon." He gave me a small smile.

My eyes widened. I slept for so long, but still, my body felt tired.

Rex moved to the side of the bed and started examining my side. He poked and prodded me, causing me some pain in the process. I tried to remain as still as possible so he could work.

"What is your pain level?"

He poked me again, and I had to bite down on my lip to keep from screaming.

"Maybe a five, possibly a six." I was lying. It was more like an 11, but I wanted to brave through the pain. My wolf needed to start healing me on her own and stop relying on medications. She had been so detached from me since our arrival here.

A part of me believed that she was being like this because of Kameron.

Rex wasn't convinced. "I don't understand why your wolf isn't taking over your healing. You're healing like a human right now."

I knew why. My wolf was yearning for Kameron and she retreated back because of my choices. She didn't like the decision I was making for us, but I was only trying to keep us alive.

Neither Kameron nor I made a move to strengthen our link as mates. He hadn't recognized me as his mate, or at least I didn't think he had, and I was in no rush to claim him.

If I were to claim him as mine, then that would mean that I would be tethered to him and thereby forced to stay in his lands. Damien was on the hunt for me and there was no telling what he was planning. The longer I stayed here, the more danger I was putting myself in.

"I'm going to push your pain meds and then I'm going to have you do another x-ray so I can take a closer look at those ribs and see if there is anything that I missed."

I nodded, releasing the breath I had been holding.

Rex pulled down my gown and placed the sheet back over my body. I sunk into the pillow and closed my eyes once more.

"I'll be right back, Callie. You just get some rest for now." I heard Rex open and close the door, leaving me alone. The darkness carried me slowly as I began to drift into a dreamless sleep.

The sound of muffled screams pierced through the thick haze of sleep I was under. I couldn't tell how far away the voices were; all I knew was that they were not in my room.

"I don't care what you say, Rex, I am doing as I was ordered to do. Now move, before I make you move."

That voice. I only heard it once yesterday, but already I associated it with danger. Jorge was here and he was close.

My eyes opened quickly and I was instantly on high alert. If Jorge was here, it meant that he was here for me. After our last encounter, he was the last person I wanted to see. He was a cruel man with little to no respect for anyone below his rank.

"I will not tell you again, Jorge-leave my healing center right now." It was Rex. My heart calmed a bit, thankful that Rex was at least still close by.

"I am your beta. You do not tell me what to do, Rex. Now, step aside, before I make you step aside. I will not ask you again."

"Over my dead body."

"Oh, that can be arranged," I heard Jorge sneer.

"You'd really kill the alpha's best friend? I'm sure that will go over easy with Kameron. You can't touch me, even if you wanted to, Jorge. Kameron would have your head if you so much as poked me. You know it, I know it, and the entire pack knows it."

I heard a growl come from the other side of the door and I felt my heart rate pick up. Rex was putting himself in the line of fire for me. It only proved to me what I already knew-that Rex was a good man with a good heart.

I heard some shuffling behind the door before it opened, revealing a rather angry-looking Jorge.

The beta's black eyes zeroed in on me.

"I hope the sleep you got will make you more compliant today," he said. He entered the room followed by two women dressed in scrubs.

He stalked over to my bed, his steps stealthy like a predator circling its prey. His eyes never left my face, completely focused on me. I could see them dissecting me layer by layer. He was trying to get a read on me, seeing where my weak points were and how he could exploit them.

"I will ask you again. Who are you, and what are you doing in the Great Pine Pack?" he demanded.

His voice was a dangerously steady and calm-a stark contrast to the emotions that were playing out in his eyes.

"My answer has not changed since yesterday, Beta Jorge. I do not remember. I suffered amnesia when I hit my head on the ground."

His jaw locked into place and he stared me down. His eyes narrowed at me and I knew that he didn't believe me. Jorge was very perceptive.

"Fine," he spat. "Have it your way. I will enjoy getting the answers from you in another way. Remove her IV-I'm taking her down to the holding."

The two women that he walked in with came to my bedside and started switching off the monitors. One of them reached for my IV and started removing the tape that held it in my arms. I didn't try to fight them.

"What's going on here?" Kameron's voice bounced off of the walls of my hospital room.

I peered around one of the women to see him standing by the threshold. His fists were balled at his sides and he was looking at the woman's hand on my arm like he wanted to rip it off.

"Alpha." The two women bowed their heads to their alpha.

"Leave," he bit out.

Although he was angry, his voice sounded like sweet honey to my ears. I could feel my wolf stirring to life.

The women scurried out of the room and then his anger refocused onto Jorge, who had a stoic face.

Jorge's lips were in a tight line and held a lot of anger, but I didn't know if it was directed at me or to his alpha. It was not unheard of for certain wolves to show anger towards their alphas, but it was rare for a beta to do so. Strange.

"Jorge, I asked you to question her, not to take her prisoner. You're out of line."

I watched Jorge's fists ball at his sides as he tried to hold himself together. The veins in his arms were protruding outwardly and he was doing his best to keep his wolf under cotrol.

"She wasn't cooperating, so I thought I would try another method," he bit out. His eyes turned to me with a look of disdain painting his face.

Kameron's eyes started to glow as he stalked into the room. He came right up to Jorge and stared him down. They were about the same height, but Kameron had a few inches on his beta.

"Leave. Now." His voice boomed throughout the entire room, shaking the walls.

"But, alpha-" Jorge began, but he was cut off by Kameron.

"You are my subordinate, Jorge. You will obey my commands and do as I say. Leave this room and do not come back in here unless I tell you otherwise. Am I understood?"

Jorge looked like he wanted to say something, but he held himself back. He nodded his head and left the room without another word. My eyes followed Jorge until he was finally out of the healing center and the door was closed behind him.

Kameron had his eyes closed and his fists were still balled at his sides. I had an urge to reach out and touch him, but I fought against it.

He opened his eyes after a few minutes passed.

They no longer held anger. His expression took on a tenderness that had my heart doing somersaults in my chest. Thank the moon goddess the machines were disconnected; otherwise, I would have embarrassed myself.

"How are you feeling, Callie?"

The way he said my name made my blood warm all over my body. I had it my way, he would be the only one allowed to say my name.

"I'm fine. A little sore, but I'm fine."

I watched him carefully as he walked up to my bedside and took my arm.

"What are you doing?"

The electricity surged throughout my body where his hands touched my arm. His touch was electric.

I felt it right down to the tips of my toes. It produceda weird feeling in my chest I had never experienced before.

"Your tape is coming off." he smoothed the tape firmly against my IV. "We can't have that falling out, now can we?"

His forest green eyes looked into mine and I was instantly locked in his imaginary hold.

"Callie, tell me who you are running from." His voice came out as a gentle whisper. "I know you've been lying to me. I can see it in your eyes. You can't hide it from me and you and I both know why you can't hide it from me."


This was exactly what I had been afraid of. He.knew. Damn this stupid mate pull that we shared. I fought so hard to try and keep myself safe, and now, because of this mate pull, I was going to get sent back to Damien. I couldn't go back. I refused.

"I need to leave," I said in a rushed panic. I tried to get up, but Kameron held me down.

"Callie you can't leave. You can barely stand on your own let alone make a run for it."

"I need to leave," I said, even more frantic. "Please let me leave! Please! Please!"

I was thrashing around, flailing my arms all around me. I was running on pure adrenaline at this point.

"Rex!" I heard Kameron call for his friend.

I didn't see Rex walk into the room, but, a few seconds later, I felt a slight pinch in my arm, and the darkness welcomed me back into her arms.