Protect Her

Kameron's POV ...

I was staring at the wall for an hour now. 

The night was creeping into the early hours of the morning and my mind was wide awake. After Flo left in an outraged state, I slept for only an hour before my body woke me up. The pain eased and some energy returned to my body.

I wanted nothing more than to jump out of this bed and go and find my mate, but I needed to be patient. I needed to wait. She was in good hands with Rex. I trusted him with my life and I knew he would take care of her, even if he didn't know who she truly was to me.

I contemplated telling my best friend about her. I knew I could trust him with anything in my life. But I was confused about Callie myself-but not anymore. I knew what I wanted and I wanted a 54" fiery redhead who managed to set my entire heart on fire in a matter of a few days.