New Beginnings

Callie's POV ...

I had gotten up almost an hour ago. I had spent all of yesterday relaxing and familiarizing myself with the town. Arianna had shown me around a few places and it seemed easy enough to navigate.

I had learned that unlike many other 'wolf towns', River road had few humans living within the town boundaries. Yet, the majority of the population was werewolves or humans mated to wolves. Which was also new to me.

Having been a wolf for 8 years, I had lost touch with a lot of myself. Unlike girls my age, I didn't go to hair salons to get my hair touched up and taken care of. Which was why last night Arianna had taken scissors to my head and trimmed some of my hair off.

I had gone to bed at a reasonable time and woken up a full two hours before my shift started. I was never one who enjoyed early mornings but this one I had been excited about.

It was my first day.