With His Mate

Callie's POV ...

My mind was racing as I approached Kameron's home. I had been trying so desperately to keep everything together. I hated feeling like this, but somehow this was a reoccurring feeling wherever Kameron was involved.

Sadie had come into the bakery to warn me off of Kameron like she was his property. I was feeling a different array of emotions that I wasn't exactly sure how to process correctly. I was angry at the fact that she would try and stake a claim on a man who did not belong to her. I was upset at the fact that she had gone and seen Kameron.

Kameron may have told her that I was important to him, but he hadn't told her I was his mate. I understood that we still had to play this charade a little while longer while he sorted things out but it was torture for me. I was suffering and I couldn't do a damn thing about it.